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Spika Laid Bond Paper A4

Spika Laid Bond Paper A4

Regular price $16.50 SGD
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About Prose

Similar to Verge de France and Original Crown Mill's Laid Paper, Spika Laid Bond Paper is subtly textured and heavy enough to handle your inkiest pens.

Hit the letter on a typewriter. So, longed to scenes from old movies.
A typewriter without a little mood taste, such as typing paper.
Enjoy the gentle touch idea or jot down a peculiar characters like Neil.

Appeal of typewriter paper
Type paper is preferred to fountain pen enthusiasts. The reason seems good looks fountain pen and paper type compatibility. In overseas typing on a typewriter, was finishing a document finally signs with fountain pen. Such cultural influences, type paper is now also the lovers and continues are preferred.

25% Cotton スピカレイド paper
When looking through lights life スピカレイドボンド paper type paper and SPIKA LAID Cotton 25% character and, Reid ( do the eyes ) emerge. Is a high-quality paper can feel comfortable writing full of tenderness.
Gentle touch of スピカレイド favorite fountain pens write in want to be like. Writing like in on this also.

Can freely use typing paper

The typewriter was depicted on the cover. Character of 'Typing', 'Writing' and 'Drowing in below. It is instead of just typing, writing, drawing, can freely use typing paper.

Unique size frame attachment

Compared with the A4 size. Is a unique size 8½ type paper is 6 mm wide, length 17 mm short.

Feel the quality of the made in Japan

Front cover bottom characters Made in Japan. Is the report pad can be realized for Japan's quality.
50 sheets.



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